tenfourWest Covid-19 Response
tenfourWest is turning our skills in data tools to responding to the COVID19 pandemic in the United States. We are offering free geospatial data and tools to first-responding partners on the ground, including microdata on potentially affected persons in high transmission areas.
AVAILABLE: Microdata/contact information by specified zip code including emails/phone to contact homeowners in high impact geographies:
If you are currently running a Covid-19 ground response and believe you could use these data, please contact us at info@tenfourWest.com
We are happy to provide data free of charge to first-responders, researchers, and other immediate response projects.
IN DEVELOPMENT: Text system to automate knowledgebase on nearest healthcare provider/hospital location to mass text in badly impacted areas.
We are in the process of doing massive geospatial analysis on our vast database of contact information and homeowners to add valuable geospatial variables, such as the nearest hospital, contact info for COVID19 tests, nearest food banks, and first-responding organizations (and their contact info). We intend to provide these microdata to first-responders on the ground/implement a SMS knowledgebase of our own (which will be available as a free tool to response organizations).
IN DEVELOPMENT: Proximity datasets from all US zip codes to nearest hospital, food banks, pharmacies that stock COVID19 tests, and first-responding organizations active by low-level geographies.
These data will be offered and merged with household data already available to provide comprehensive analysis of high impact areas to responding organizations as possible. These data should be available within days. If you are a responding organization interested in these data, please email info@tenfourwest.com to be informed when it is available.
In partnership with (gratitude to the following organizations/companies for their support on this project):

Technology resources provided by tech partners on the project:
Server and computing resources provided by our host partner on the project: