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Example Do-Not-Call List result as it appears in each alert: encourages realtors to check Do-Not-Call Lists and comply with phone marketing rules and regulations. Our Do-Not-Call List integration is available with ALL PLANS at 4¢/number including:
National Do-Not-Call List
State Do-Not-Call Lists
Direct Marketing Association Do-Not-Call List
Litigator Do-Not-Call List
Each 4¢ number lookup includes ALL LISTS above (as available).
You may enable/disable Do-Not-Call-List lookups and set a maximum number of lookups per alert in your USER_SETTINGS (in your Google Sheet).
Do-Not-Call List results (if enabled in USER_SETTINGS) are included in user alert emails and automatically appended to the DO_NOT_CALL_LOOKUPS sheet (in your Google Sheet)
While you can set the maximum number lower in your USER_SETTINGS, the system is hard limited to a maximum of 5 numbers/alert (20¢/alert) to ensure no unexpected charges.
OPTIONAL: Include Do-Not-Call List Lookups in Alerts
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